Tuesday, May 29, 2012

In our time of doubt we turn to friends ..

As I am floundering my way through my budding relationship with God the double whammy of tragedy in our small community has me reaching out to a virtual friend who offered support, advice, wisdom and friendship to me previously with the loss of our Battle buddy, neighbor and friend previously.  Once again I find myself seeking out her wisdom here is a letter I wrote to her seeking her wisdom on a topic she knows only too well 


I have never been overly religious I believe in God and all that but I finally quit asking WHY and shut up enough to listen for an answer 
Once again I am sending you a msg on May 17th we lost a Soldier to a motorcycle accident a few hours after he and I chatted as we dropped our daughters off at school...he was getting out of the Army in June headed to the "safety" of a civilian job he has 3 small daughters 5yrs old and under and his wife is expecting daughter number four in a couple months. As I was driving into Head Quarters I was speaking to God Instead of asking why I told God I know things happen for a reason and I might not see or know what the reason is I then prayed for the Soldier, his wife, daughters and for healing and in my head when I started to feel sadness I heard "Blaze of Glory" by Bon Jovi as the days past whenever I would start to feel sad I would hear the song again, I saw his picture and heard the song again (I don't think I have gone bonkers but I have noticed alot lately and prior to this when something was troubling me a part of a song would pop into my head) 
when I was worried about my husband when he was in transit for Deployment I heard "A horse with no name", when I was worred about what people would think of how I am doing things in my life I heard " It's my life" By Bon Jovi 
..as devestated as we have been just sending her off to the states this past Thursday to bury her husband
....Yesterday we suffered another loss one of our helicopters went down and we lost 2 more Soliders one of them who recently left my Co to join another Co which sent him to a different location then my husband they are all deployed...his wife is a friend of mine 
the other day out of the blue I found a movie on youtube which actually worked alot of youtube videps don't work for us over here anyways it's a series of Movies called "Love Comes Softly" the books are by Janette Oke I don't know if you have seen them or read them but they are amazing ...based on love, loss, faith, healing and life going on ..I think coming across them was a gift from above the timing is perfect and instead of hearing a song this time.....I hear " Love Comes Softly" my friend is beautiful, young and smart so much more life to come ahead of her it gives me hope that she will find happiness again...like you
Once again Hyla Thank you for your story & your fb statuses of life continuing after loss


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