Thursday, May 17, 2012

Communication style letters to the sand box

Oldest left to get married see previous blog named "Oh how fast they grow", Husband deployed see previous blog named  "The Beginning of a Deployment 2012" 

I think about our grandparent, I think about our mothers, I think about the generations of military wives who walked this path before us. I am sure they are looking on our generation thinking we have some things a little easier then them they had. They lived with snail mail while we have email me, there were no good phone calls then now we have instant messages, text messaging, skype ...Are we blessed or does today's technology make it more difficult? 

See to me I don't like skype the connection is horrible, the time delay frustrates me and our daughters don't understand why it takes daddy 5 mins to answer a question and why his face freezes and jerks around..
To keep myself from being worried about him I don't want to get into a routine of expecting phone calls at a certain time to me that just sets you up for worry.."Something horrible has happened it is 10:05AM and I haven't heard from my husband today he calls everyday at 10:05AM !!!" instead of being joyous when you get that surprise phone call you are left worrying about why you haven't gotten a expected call. When it comes to Deployments you should be prepared for the unexpected things happen, things change, communication is not guaranteed to always work power lines, phone lines can be out of service. Maybe I am old school or Retro give me snail mail any day I love old air mail envelopes could be the red, white and blue..patriotic envelopes how can you go wrong? So my question is what way do you like to stay in touch with your loved one? 


Mack said...

Hey Girl! It's been a bit since I have stopped by! How is everything going??? I have something on my blog for you. Enjoy :)

Home is where the Army sends us said...

hey how are you? so whats on your blog for me?

Julie Danielle said...

Ideally, lots of letters with a phone call about every 4-5 days. Although we have never been able to text so that might be nice too.

Unknown said...

Can't imagine not seeing my husband every day, military families sacrifice so much, we appreciate all that your family does. I like to email with my hubby throughout the day, he refuses to text. Not quite the romantic days of love letters, huh? ;-)

Chrissy said...

HI! Thank you so much for following along with me on FB! I'm excited to follow you back now! Can't wait to read more!
